Stewardship Committee
The Foundation Stewardship Committee is charged with (1) ensuring the careful and responsible management of The Rotary Foundation grant fund, i.e. District Designated Funds, in keeping with the mission of The Rotary Foundation, (2) educating Rotarians on proper and effective grant management, for both District Grants and Global Grants, and (3) facilitation of club projects and the reporting process thereof.
More specifically, the Stewardship Committee insures the implementation of the District Memorandum of Understanding and oversight of any grant management seminars, required of any and all clubs who wish to participate in the use of District Designated Funds. The committee also assists with the development and maintenance of the district financial management and distribution of funds for Rotary projects, while overseeing the reporting policies required by The Rotary Foundation.
Finally, any concerns regarding irregularities in grant-related activities, misuse of funds or perceived conflict of interest should be reported to Chair PDG Greg O'Brien at