THIS EVENT IS NOW SOLD OUT. Add your name to the waitlist. If there are any openings, you will be contacted. Please note that walk-ins will not be admitted to the event.
Save the date and purchase your tickets for our 1st District Breakfast of the new Rotary year.
The event will bring together Rotarians from all over our district for a fun experience, a delicious breakfast, gorgeous views from the 51st floor at the City Club, and an informative presentation. Our guest speaker will be Chris Gialanella, President/Publisher of Engine Vision Media, which is Los Angeles Magazine. Chris's topic for the morning will be The Future of Media in Southern California.
Let's meet new friends and catch up with long time friends. This will be a breakfast you won't want to miss; after all, it's being done with through the magic of Rotary.
Special thanks to our event sponsor the Rotary Club of Los Angeles (LA5).
In addition to the presentation we are holding a Community Service Project. We are asking members to bring pet supplies that will be donated to the Los Angeles Animal Services which operates many animal shelters throughout the Los Angeles region. Please consider bringing:
Linens – towels and blankets
Peanut Butter
Kitten Wet Food (Canned)
Kitten Dry Food
Dog and cat treats (hard and soft)
Dog and cat toys Guinea pig, hamster, gerbil food & cages
Baby wipes
Potty-training pads
Heating pads
Fabric softener sheets
Dog and cat groom supplies Shampoo, Conditioner, Brushes, Clippers
For more information about the service project, contact SAG Community Service Thuy Trifunovic at thuy@trifunovic.com
August 17th, 2024
8:30am - 10:30am
City Club Los Angeles
Parking - $8.00 (Please consider carpooling)