District Sunday Brunch

Kelly Bevan Spirer
02 Apr 2023 |
Join your fellow Rotarians for the third and final District Brunch of the 2022-23 Rotary year! Led by our District Interact and Rotaract members, the event will be spirited and inspiring! Register by March 1st before ticket prices increase!
Timeline: Doors open at 12:30pm; Program begins at 1:00pm
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Santor Nishizaki- Generational Harmony at Work
There are currently 4–5 generations in the workplace who bring unique perspectives based on the lens through which they see the world. This presentation will provide an overview of the events that shaped each generation’s lens and how to effectively communicate and lead each cohort, including the newest generation, Gen Z.
Dr. Santor Nishizaki is the founder and CEO of Mulholland Consulting Group, and his work on Millennials and Gen Z in the workplace has been featured in the WSJ, Entrepreneur, Psychology Today, Yahoo Finance, CNN.com, SHRM, ATD, and more. He is a Ph.D. professor of Global Leadership and Change at Pepperdine University.
Special Book Pre-Order: Copies of Dr. Nishizaki's book will be available for pre-order on the District Brunch registration page. You will receive your signed copy at the event on April 2!