It’s official! Governor Joe begins first day on the job. Tori Hettinger, District Office Administrator and President of Westchester Club, gives Governor Joe keys to the District Office. Here he is seen trying hard to do simple task of unlocking door with key. 
This time marks an annual tradition in Rotary. We see new club presidents and leaders eager to begin their work serving our members. We see club members beginning to plan local service projects and other club events. This reminds one of spring time. All around us, life awakens. So, to, in Rotary. Under new leadership and direction, we summon in ourselves a heightened sense to unit with our fellow members to “do good”. We each hold the key to unlock the full potential of giving of ourselves to serve others. Together as People of Action we can help make the lives of others brighter.
Invite a business colleague, a friend, a family member, to visit your club or to join you on a local service project. Here to, you can turn the key and decide that you will do this. Someone brought you into Rotary, right? Think about the rewards and fulfillment you have received from being a Rotarian. How wonderful would it be to have others share in the same experience? There is no doubt, Rotary is the best volunteer organization around.  
Nearly all of us at one time or another have been ordered by our doctor to have blood tests performed. The blood is analyzed, and much is learned. Like in our bodies, blood circulates in Rotary. It is The Rotary Foundation. We are limited in “doing good around the world” only by the capacity of The Rotary Foundation. In the same way we follow good dieting and exercise to maintain better health, we ask you to consider The Rotary Foundation in your plans for charitable giving. The Rotary Foundation is the most respected and highly rated of all service organizations. This is not by accident. It is by Rotary design.
Who does not know about the card board boat building by our clubs each year for the District Picnic? More than one-third of the clubs participate. The clubs begin designing and building far in advance. The process, including the actual boat race, is a time of fun and celebration. This is an example of how clubs unite around an idea and take action. You, to, can rally with your club members and take action. You can help plan a service project, a social event, or present a program at the club meeting. You can also join other club members and attend a District event involving members from our other clubs. The work and interaction by members in their clubs represents the essence of Rotary. Here is why we joined Rotary.
To move forward, we must be inspired. Let us awaken internally. To do what we can with acts of kindness to brighten the day for another person. Let us look to the future and “together, we will see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves”.
Rozangela and I wait with much anticipation the occasions to be in your company. We wish you and your club all the best in 2018-2019. And remember, you hold the key with which to unlock the door.