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District Governor

District Governor

District Executives

District Governor Elect


District Governor Nominee


Immediate Past District Governor


Vice Governor- to become DG in case of emergency

member Name Info ImgDong Jin Sun
member photo
Vice Governor- to become DG in case of emergency
District Officers and Directors

Executive Aide


Executive Secretary


District Treasurer


General Counsel


Finance/Policy & Guidelines Chair


PDG Advisory Committee Chair

member Name Info ImgRick Mendoza
member photo
PDG Advisory Committee Chair

District Manager


District Office Liaison


SAG Community Service




Disaster Relief Co-Chair


Disaster Relief Co-Chair

member Name Info ImgMarc Mazorow
member photo
Disaster Relief Co-Chair

Crisis Response


SAG International Service


Ecuador Humanitarian Trip Co-Chair

member Name Info ImgTom Johnstone
member photo
Ecuador Humanitarian Trip Co-Chair

Ecuador Humanitarian Trip Co-Chair


Ecuador Humanitarian Trip Co-Chair

member Name Info ImgRene Mejia
member photo
Ecuador Humanitarian Trip Co-Chair

SAG Youth Service Co-Chair


SAG Youth Service Co-Chair

member Name Info ImgPatricia Megallon
member photo
SAG Youth Service Co-Chair

SAG Communications


District Directory


District Monthly Newsletter Editor

member Name Info ImgCarmela Raack
member photo
District Monthly Newsletter Editor

Marketing Specialist


Marketing Specialist


SAG Membership


SAG Vocational Service

member Name Info ImgEileen Hupp
member photo
SAG Vocational Service

District Insurance Rep

member Name Info ImgLinda Nesst
member photo
District Insurance Rep

Peace Committee Co-Chair


Peace Committee Co-Chair


District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair

member Name Info ImgKaren Greenberg
member photo
District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair

Stewardship Chair


District Grants Co-Chair


District Grants Co-Chair

member Name Info ImgSally Goya
member photo
District Grants Co-Chair

Foundation Celebration Co-Chair

member Name Info ImgCozette Vergari
member photo
Foundation Celebration Co-Chair

Foundation Celebration Co-Chair

member Name Info ImgJudith Delavigne
member photo
Foundation Celebration Co-Chair

RI President Luncheon Chair


District Breakfast Chair


District Conference Chair


District Picnic Chair


Presidents' Luncheon Chair


Reverse Global Grant


Camp Pendleton Co-Chair


Camp Pendleton Co-Chair


Angel City Celebration


Empowering Girls Ambassador


District Assembly Chair


RI President's Luncheon Co-Chair

member Name Info ImgTiffany Davis
member photo
RI President's Luncheon Co-Chair

Youth Exchange Officer


RI Convention Promotion Chair

member Name Info ImgEd Su
member photo
RI Convention Promotion Chair

Awards Recognition Chair