Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s
areas of focus. By working together to respond to real community needs, clubs and districts strengthen their global partnerships.
A Guide to Global Grants for detailed information on planning your project, applying for a grant to fund it, carrying it out, and reporting on your progress and outcome.
What global grants support:
- Humanitarian projects
- Scholarships for graduate-level academic studies
- Vocational training teams, which are groups of professionals who travel abroad either to teach local professionals about their field or to learn more about it themselves
How they’re funded:
The minimum budget for a global grant project is $30,000. The Foundation’s World Fund provides a minimum of $15,000 and maximum of $400,000. Districts contribute District Designated Funds (DDF) receive 100% World Fund matches. Effective July 1, 2020 the cash contributions from clubs, districts and friends of Rotary are no longer eligible for Rotary World Fund match. Global grants can also be funded with
endowed earnings and directed gifts.
Both the district or club in the country where the activity is carried out and the international partner district or club must become qualified before applying for a global grant. The District 5280 Rotary Foundation chair (DFC) and committee members can help you to qualify by completing the Memo of Understanding (MOU) certification training. D5280 annual MOU training/webinar is scheduled in May each year and must be completed by May 31.
The members of the Global Grant committee must be actively engaged in all global grants, and all projects must comply with the Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation District Grants and Global Grants.
Submitting a successful grant application:
Consult with local experts early in the planning process to build a strong project plan and global grant application. The resource network (see below) can help.
To be approved, your application must clearly describe how your project, scholarship, or vocational training team:
- Is sustainable — include plans for long-term success after the global grant funds have been spent
- Includes measurable goals
- Aligns with one of Rotary's areas of focus
- Responds to real community needs — any club or district that applies for a global grant to support a humanitarian project or a vocational training team must conduct a community assessment first and design the project based on what they learn through that assessment
- Actively involves Rotarians and community members
- Meets the eligibility requirements in the grants terms and conditions
Monitoring & evaluation:
Measuring outcomes is an integral part of global grant projects. Proper monitoring and reporting ensure that Rotary grants have a positive impact. Learn more in the
Global Grant Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Supplement. You will be required to fill out an online global grant report. To prepare, you can download this
Where you can find support?
You can find large volume global grant information on “My Grants” under My Rotary. When you and your partner clubs/districts completed the comprehensive project plan or draft application, you can reach out to one of the people listed below for input and recommendations or technical support.
- Rotary Foundation Regional Grants Officer for District 5280:
- Cecelia Water |
- Cadre of Technical Advisors (Cadre):
- Steve Goldsmith |
- Marjorie Heller |
- Gus Oppermann |
- Chair, Global Grant Sub-Committee of District 5280 Rotary Foundation Committee:
- Marjorie Heller |